Wiser works differently for different stores depending on kind of website, products and many other factors but we have curated a list of some best practices which can result in best results from Wiser app widgets. Its all based on whats working so well for other brands already.
Please check the following:
1 – Offering discounts in frequently bought together widget –
We have launched this new feature by which you can now offer discounts to users if they buy from the complete bundle or even upto certain quantity limit as we also have quantity limit as well in it.
You can set both fixed price and percentage discounts by this feature.

Offer discounts for the frequently bought together bundle to attract more customers
Increase AOV and conversion rate
Quick setup
Increase cart value by offering discounts in bundle to customers
Both Fixed price and Percentage discounts available
2 – Email Recommendations Everywhere:
You can show recommendations not only in your regular email campaigns but also in your notification emails as well like following –
Order notification,
Order tracking emails
Shipment notifications
new account creation email,
forgot password or any type of email notifications.
It will also generate some sales and give exposure for your products there as well.
3 – Show recommendations on MY Account page as well where user see their account info, past order details and other.
If you use some order tracking app like Rush https://apps.shopify.com/rush-app, then you can show our recommendations there too.
We have direct integration with Rush app and its a great app for order tracking and Lookup.
You can also use Flits app https://apps.shopify.com/flits, we have integration with them too. You can create a nice and detailed customer account page by this.

We can show recommendations here too.
4 – Smart Upsell Popups –
Show upsell popups using Wiser on your thankyou page, 404 not found, search results and such pages where there is no risk of losing customer or disturbing their buying journey on site.
Its a good way to increase sales.

5 – Recently Viewed Products widget:
Thats also a very important widget as users love to see what they checked before.
This widget can be shown on all these pages –
Product Details
My Account
Cart Drawar
404 not found
Search results
6 – Cart Drawar or Slide Cart widgets:
Its always bets to show recommendations in your cart drawar or slide cart as it attracts buyer’s attention and helps in upsleliong.
Preferable design for cart drawer is very sleek and minimal like in the example below, you can contact us to implement it for your store if you are not using it yet.

Feel free to share your comments below please.